Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Puppets

I thought this was a good photo to show because the creators of this ad are targeting men with sex. Many men will pay attention just because it involves an attractive girl. Many men are driven by sex. These advertisers use this fact to make their advertisements. They know that hot girls will get us to buy their products. This shows that media controls what we think or how to get us to buy products. They do this by using are weaknesses to get in our heads.

The Rocks In The Crystal Blue

The Rocks In The Crystal Blue
The vast view varies with colors
Ranging from deep blues to clear blues
Crystal blue water shows the coolness
As deep blues show the crazy depths
The rocks look like coins in a fountain
The trees are leaning towers
Ready to fall as years go on
The peace & neutrality keep the serenity   

Ideas For Success Through 5 Photos

In my 5 photos I will be talking about my ideas for success.

One of my ideas for success is becoming wealthy through hard work. When people work hard they achieve success and get paid off for it. Many people may think that money isn't everything about success. I partially agree with this even though money is a huge factor in what a person might call success.
Another idea of success for me is having success with a family or person. Succeeding in a family is a big factor too. You can't just be all work and nothing else. Each week you need to devote some time to spend with your family. You first need to become a good mother or father figure for your children and spending all your time at work is not doing that.
Giving back to the community after you have worked so hard to get to where you are now is also a idea for success. When people make it big and get selfish that is not success for me. You must give back to the community in any way. It could be volunteering at a food bank, soup kitchen, or even donating food to an organization.
A huge part of success is also having a good source of education. Before people can become wealthy and successful they need to be educated first. Many people do not want to spend time getting educated, they just want to start making money. Well it doesn't happen over night. Work hard in school and it will pay off in the long run.
The unselfish personality is a huge factor when it comes to money. As soon as people start making large amounts of money they personality starts to make a change too. They become more worried with themselves instead of the people around him. If you can keep that humble attitude and personality while making large amounts of money then you are successful.